Tuesday 6 May 2008

Brazilian L'Abri Resource Center: A Brief Introduction

Our “History”

The Brazilian L’Abri Resource Center came from a series of encounterings, dreams and challenges that we believe have been generated by God himself. In 2002, starting from a contact between Andrew Fellows and Rodolfo Amorim, when Rodolfo was studying in London, the dream of a Brazilian L’Abri had birth. This time Guilherme was working as theology professor, and got concerned about the deepening of secularisation and dualism in Brazilian theological mind, finding in L’Abri tradition a way to help theology students.

In 2004 Guilherme started a small study centre (the “Kuyper Centre”) where he, Rodolfo and other friends could first time get personal contact, developing together courses on apologetics and Christian philosophy. After that, Rodolfo and some volunteers of the centre started the Pro-L’Abri Brasil Group, looking ahead for a Brazilian branch. In 2005 two representatives were sent to English L’Abri, with a partnership being established.

In the beginning of 2006 Guilherme and Alessandra founded AKET (“The Kuyper Association for Transdisciplinary Studies) in Belo Horizonte, and at the same time entered formally in the Pro-L’Abri group. In July Andrew Fellows came to Brazil, for the 2 Conference of the Christian Worldview Network which we and Maurício Cunha started in July/2005, in order to have a first hand knowledge of the local situation and project. Was a very nice meeting, with lectures from Andrew, James Matthew Bonzo (EUA) and other people. In the event we released a book (in English, “Cristian Worldview and Transformation”, which earned the Christian National Book Prize on Apologetics in July of the following year). The outcome of the event was that Rodolfo, Guilherme and Alessandra agreed (with English L’Abri) to go to England, for a period of training and evaluation.

In the beginning of 2007 Rodolfo and the Carvalho’s Family (Guilherme, Alessandra, Ana Elisa and Helena) travelled from Belo Horizonte (Brazil) to Europe. Rodolfo stayed first in Dutch L’Abri, going after to England and back to Eck en Weil in August, for more three months with the Dutch. The Carvalho’s stayed the first (absolutely wonderful) months in Greatham, learning about true humanity, beauty and, first of all, Christian hospitality staying, after that, three months more at Dutch L’Abri (learning a little bit more of the same).

Through this time we could attend the local churches (Hope, specially), make some courses (Guilherme and Rodolfo went to Cambridge for one week at the Round Church, and Guilherme stayed two weeks more for the Faraday Summer Course in Cambridge), and both Rodolfo and Guilherme could go to Swiss L’Abri – when Guilherme could get in contact with Greg Laughery. In July Wim went to Brazil, for the third Network conference, in Curitiba (south of the country).

After nine months of training, dialogue and evaluation, we felt L’Abri would really be our way in terms of ministry in Brazil – and as vision for enrich evangelical spirituality in our country. The workers that followed us through this training time gave the yes for that, and finally the L’Abri members decided to approve the project. At the same time these things were discussed by L’Abri members, we moved to a smaller faith community (around 50 people) in our city, which wants wants to be a new church. We (Guilherme and Alessandra) are now attending this group.

In the beginning of March we sent Vanessa Belmonte (a very nice and commited volunteer) to England, also for a time of training and evaluation – maybe she could be a fourth name in our team, depending on her six months experience now in course.

Finally, in the end of March we host our first L’Abri activity in Brazil: a themeweekend named “The Image of Christ in Arts and Cinema”, in a country home close our city! We received fifteen students in a really wonderful time. Our next step will probably be the provisional rental of the Country Home in order to organise regular retreats and weekend activities. And, in August, we will host the first Brazilian L’Abri Conference.

Thanks God for his many blessings!

Guilherme, Alessandra, Ana Elisa, Helena e Rodolfo


The Brazilian Workers Team

Rodolfo A. C. Souza is an International Relations Annalist and a "by calling" Teacher concerned with issues of social transformation, the promotion of a Christian understanding of reality and the flourishing of people by the obedience to Christ's commandments for the personal life and the care of Creation. He is graduated in International Relations (PUC-MG), with an specialisation on Nonprofit Management (PUC-MG) and is concluding a Master on Organisational Sociology (UFMG). He is a founding member of Kuyper Association (2005), and directed the Betel Center of Integral Transformation (2003-2007), dealing with poverty issues in a needed community in Contagem, Brazil. He is part of the Buritis Presbyterian Church, currently serving in the missions department and is a Worker of the Resource Center L'Abri Brasil.

Guilherme V. R. De Carvalho is married to Alessandra de Carvalho, and father of two girls: Ana Elisa (nine years old) and Helena (five years old), and sees his calling as teaching Brazilian Church about the unity of Creation and Gospel, and the comprehensiveness of Christ’s Lordship. He is an ordained baptist pastor (charismatic branch), and formerly professor of theology in a local Faculty, with a grade in Theology (Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo) masters in Theology (New Testament, from São Paulo Baptist Theological College) and Science of Religion (theological hermeneutics, from São Paulo Methodist University). He is also founder and president of Kuyper Association and presently serves as leader in a new establishing church.

Alessandra de Carvalho is Guilherme’s wife, and mother of Ana Elisa and Helena. She is a Historian (Minas Gerais Catholic University) and MA in Educational Coordination. She worked three years serving poor children, eleven as a church secretary. She helped to start the christian school where she works now as history teacher. She has been also singer and worship leader for eighteen years. She describes her main calling as education and taking care of broken people.

Why a Brazilian L’Abri? (Some Reasons).

1. Low social and cultural influence of the growing brazilian evangelical community.

2. High influence of secular mind over brazilian christians, specially between younger ones.

3. Absency of ministries with a conception of Christianity as a total life-system.

4. Need of a space for people longing to grow integrally and search for full meaning.

5. Need of a shelter for broken people, deceived by some kinds of religious environment and institutions.

6. Pratical impossiblity for brazilians to travel to Europe or US for visiting the north hemisphere L’Abri’s.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Dear friends in Brazil:
I was a L'Abri worker at the English L'Abri with Andrew and Helen Fellows and the dear team there. L'Abri is a ministry that is very VERY close to my heart and I have been wanting to tell you that you have been in my prayers for months and that it is so encourageing to hear what is happening there in Brazil. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek to serve Him and those people He brings to your doorstep!! Warmly,Dawn Dahl Merz